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Ormond Street 

Main Period: Victorian –Federation – Interwar and 1960’s & 70’s Units

Leadlight apparent at No’s 3, 5, 29, 35, 53 & 59

Ormond Street was part of the subdivision of the Underwood Estate in 1879 and there were some significant Victorian houses built in the street in the 1880’s. Many of these have been demolished to make way for units. A few Victorian period houses still exist together with some Federation houses, Californian Bungalows and Interwar flats. Ormond Street runs past Ashfield Park but opposite the park is almost entirely units.

Ormond Street

No 3 has some superb Victorian entrance leadlight in the door panels, sidelights and the beautifully arched tops and fanlight. Set into the middle of the circular leadlight in the door panels and the fanlight are what appear to be beautiful stained glass birds. The side door also has leadlight with the stained glass in the circle of the fanlight. It is a pity it is so difficult to see because the whole lot appears to be an excellent example of intact Victorian leadlight with stained glass.

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