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A repository of photographs of leadlight in homes in the Inner Western Suburbs of Sydney.
Beauchamp Street
Main Period: Fedseration
Leadlight apparent at No’s 4, 37, 39, 40, 42, 45, 55, 79, 96 & 110
Beauchamp Street is an old street in Marrickville. It is also a steep street but well worth exploring.
It did appear on a proposed subdivision of the Riverside Estate in 1877 but this huge subdivision does not appeear to have happened, apart from the name 'Beauchamp Street' virtually nothing remains.
Beauchamp Street was shown on the Moffatt State subdivision of 1884 but it appears that here were no lots subdivided at the time.
In 1899 there were a large number of lots auctioned in Beauchamp near Marrickville West Public School. Most of the houses in this section can be dated to the early 1900's. In 1906 more lots were sold as part of the Riverview Estate and the ones in Beauchamp Street all appear to have been sold before the auction.
A beautuiful late Victorian house in Beauchamp Street
The Riverside Estate of 1877 seemes to have been a plan that did not happen.
1884 Beauchamp Street is shown but not developed.
1899 Beauchamp Street & Terrace Road
1906 Beauchamp Street around Alfred Street.
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